Saturday, May 6, 2023

164. The Intriguing Story of the Rizal Monument's Design Selection


The winning Rizal monument design "Al Mártir de Bagumbayan" of Carlo Nicoli 

"Al Mártir de Bagumbayan" was the winning design of the international competition for the Rizal Monument. The judging committee, consisting of Governor-General James F. Smith, John T. MacLeod, and Máximo M. Paterno, announced the decision on January 8, 1908. Out of the 40 accepted entries, Carlo Nicoli of Carrara, Italy won the first prize of 5,000 for his scaled plaster model titled "Al Mártir de Bagumbayan" (To the Martyr of Bagumbayan).

However, the contract for the monument was eventually awarded to the second-placer, Swiss sculptor Richard Kissling, for his "Motto Stella" (Guiding Star). There are various accounts explaining why Nicoli lost the contract, such as his inability to post the required performance bond of 20,000 for the duration of the monument's construction, his failure to show up on the designated date for the contract signing, or Kissling's lower quotation. It was reported that Nicoli filed a complaint through the courts of justice regarding the matter.

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