Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Turn of the century photo of Antonio Luna
Since I love history I collected photos and other memorabilia related to the Philippine-American war of 1898-1904.  One particular hero of the Philippine revolution that got my interest was the iconic General Antonio Luna. His life was a colorful one, it was full of love, passion, patriotism, rage, and tragedy.  He was remembered as a brave and talented general in Aguinaldo’s army.  He won many battles but met his death at the hands of Emilio Aguinaldo’s men. The outturn of the revolution might have been different if he has lived longer.

I would like to share this well-written article about the life of Antonio Luna by Kallie Szczepanski, an Asian History Expert. 

"Soldier, chemist, musician, war strategist, journalist, pharmacist, and hot-head: General Antonio Luna was a complex man.  Unfortunately for Luna, the Philippines' first president - Emilio Aguinaldo - perceived him as a threat.  As a result, Antonio Luna died not on the battlefields of the Philippine/American War, but on the streets of Cabanatuan".

Memorabilia of the Philippine revolution. Postcards of Luna,
Aguinaldo money, buttons, and medals.
Early Life:

Antonio Luna de San Pedro y Novicio-Ancheta was born on October 29, 1866 in the Binondo district of Manila.

He was the seventh child of Laureana Novicio-Ancheta, a Spanish mestiza, and Joaquin Luna de San Pedro, a traveling salesman.

Antonio was a gifted student, who studied with a teacher called Maestro Intong from the age of six.  He received a Bachelor of Arts from the Ateneo Municipal de Manila in 1881, and continued his studies in chemistry, music, and literature at the University of Santo Tomas, also in Manila.  In addition to his academic subjects, Antonio Luna studied fencing, sharpshooting, and military tactics at the university.

In 1890, Antonio traveled to Spain to join his brother Juan, who was studying painting in Madrid.  There, Antonio earned a licentiate in pharmacy at the Universidad de Barcelona, followed by a doctorate from the Universidad Central de Madrid.  He went on to study bacteriology and histology at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, continuing on to Belgium.  While in Spain, Luna had published a well-received paper on malaria, so in 1894 the Spanish government appointed him to a post as a specialist in communicable and tropical diseases.

Photo postcard of Antonio Luna with fellow 
propagandists Eduardo de Lete (CENTER)
and Marcelo H. Del Pilar (Right)
Later in 1894, Antonio Luna returned to the Philippines, where he became the chief chemist of the Municipal Laboratory in Manila.  He and his brother Juan established a fencing society called the Sala de Armas in the capital.  They were approached about joining the Katipunan, a revolutionary organization founded by Andres Bonifacio in response to the 1892 banishment of Jose Rizal, but both Luna brothers refused to participate.  At that stage, they believed in gradual reform of the system, rather than a violent revolution against Spanish colonial rule.

Although they were not members of Katipunan, Antonio, Juan, and their brother Jose were all arrested and imprisoned in August 1896, when the Spanish learned that the organization existed.  His brothers were interrogated and released, but Antonio was sentenced to exile, sent to Spain, and imprisoned in the Carcel Modelo de Madrid.  Juan, by this time a famed painter, used his connections with the Spanish royal family to secure Antonio's release in 1897.

After his exile and imprisonment, understandably, Antonio Luna's attitude toward Spanish colonial rule had shifted.  Due to the arbitrary treatment of himself and his brothers, and the execution of his friend Jose Rizal the previous December, Luna was ready to take up arms against Spain.  In his typically academic fashion, Luna decided to study guerrilla warfare tactics, military organization, and field fortification under the famous Belgian military educator, Gerard Leman.  Next, Antonio Luna sailed to Hong Kong, where he met with the revolutionary leader-in-exile, Emilio Aguinaldo.  In July of 1898, Luna returned to the Philippines to take up the fight.

Antonio Luna’s fencing school, the Sala de Armas on Calle Alix (now Legarda St.), in Sampaloc district, Manila. 

General Luna:

As the Spanish/American War came to a close, and the defeated Spanish prepared to withdraw from the Philippines, Filipino revolutionary troops surrounded the capital city of Manila.  The newly-arrived officer Antonio Luna urged the other commanders to send troops into the city to ensure a joint occupation when the Americans arrived, but Emilio Aguinaldo refused, believing US naval officers stationed in Manila Bay who assured him that the Americans would hand over power to the Filipinos in due course.  Luna complained bitterly about this strategic blunder, as well as the disorderly conduct of American troops once they landed in Manila in mid-August of 1898.

Photo postcard of La Independencia staff, with their pen names.

FRONT row (L to R):  Fernando Ma. Guerrero (Fulvio Gil), Joaquin Luna, Cecilio Apostol (Catulo)
MIDDLE row (L to R): General Antonio Luna (Taga-Ilog), Florentina Arellano, Rose Sevilla, Salvador del Rosario (X or Juan Tagalo)
BACK row (L to R):  Mariano del Rosario (Tito-Tato), Clemente Jose Zulueta (M. Kaun), Jose C. Abreu (Kaibigan), Epifanio de los Santos (G. Solon), Rafael Palma (Hapon or Dapithapon)

Antonio Luna's Signature.  He was the
Secretary of War of the Phil. Revolutionary
Government  (Private Collection)
To placate Luna, Aguinaldo promoted him to the rank of Brigadier General on September 26, 1898, and named him Chief of War Operations.  General Luna continued to campaign for better military discipline and organization, and for a more aggressive approach to the Americans, who were now setting themselves up as the new colonial rulers, rather than granting the Philippines its independence.  Along with Apolinario Mabini, Antonio Luna warned Aguinaldo that the Americans did not seem inclined to free the Philippines.  Aguinaldo still hoped that the US would honor its earlier pledges, however.

General Luna felt the need for a military academy to properly train the Filipino troops, who were eager and in many cases experienced in guerrilla warfare, but had little formal military training. In October of 1898, Luna founded what is now the Philippine Military Academy.  The Academy operated for less than half a year, however, before the Philippine/American War broke out in February of 1899, and classes were suspended so that staff and students could join the war effort.
General Antonio Luna during
the Philippine Revolution

The Philippine/American War:

General Luna led three companies of soldiers to attack the Americans at La Loma, who responded with ground forces and with naval artillery fire from the fleet in Manila Bay.  The Filipinos suffered heavy casualties.  A Filipino counterattack on February 23 gained some ground but collapsed when troops from Cavite refused to take orders from General Luna, stating that they would obey only Aguinaldo himself.  Furious, Luna disarmed the recalcitrant soldiers but was forced to fall back.

After several additional bad experiences with the undisciplined and clannish Filipino forces, and after Aguinaldo had rearmed the disobedient Cavite troops as his personal Presidential Guard, a thoroughly frustrated General Luna submitted his resignation to Aguinaldo.  Aguinaldo reluctantly accepted.  With the war going very badly for the Philippines over the next three weeks, however, Aguinaldo persuaded Luna to return and made him Commander-in-Chief.

Luna developed and implemented a plan to contain the Americans long enough to construct a guerrilla base in the mountains.  The plan consisted of a network of bamboo trenches, complete with spiked man-traps and pits full of poisonous snakes, that spanned the jungle from village to village.  Filipino troops could fire on the Americans from this Luna Defense Line, and then melt away into the jungle without exposing themselves to American fire. 

Circa 1910 postcard
Late in May, Antonio Luna's brother Joaquin (a colonel in the revolutionary army) warned him that a number of the other officers were conspiring to kill him.  General Luna had disciplined, arrested, or disarmed many of these officers, who bitterly resented his rigid, authoritarian style.  Antonio made light of his brother's warning and reassured him that President Aguinaldo would not allow anyone to assassinate the army's Commander-in-Chief.

General Luna received two telegrams on June 2, 1899.  One telegram asked him to join a counterattack against the Americans at San Fernando, Pampanga.  The second was from Aguinaldo, ordering Luna to the new capital, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija, about 120 kilometers due north of Manila, where the Philippines' revolutionary government was forming a new cabinet.  Ever ambitious, and hopeful of being named Prime Minister, Luna decided to go to Nueva Ecija with a cavalry escort of 25 men.  However, due to transportation difficulties, Luna arrived in Nueva Ecija accompanied only by two other officers,  Colonel Roman and Captain Rusca - the troops had been left behind.

Early Cigarette wrapper of Pinag-Pala showing our heroes including Antonio Luna

On June 5, Luna went alone to the government headquarters to speak with President Aguinaldo.  He met one of his old enemies there, a man he had once disarmed for cowardice, who informed him that the meeting was canceled and Aguinaldo was out of town.  Furious, Luna had started to walk back down the stairs when a rifle shot went off outside.  Luna ran down the stairs, where he met one of the Cavite officers he had dismissed for insubordination.  The officer struck Luna on the head with his bolo; soon Cavite troops swarmed the injured general, stabbing him.  Luna drew his revolver and fired, but missed his attackers.  He fought his way out to the plaza, where Roman and Rusca ran to help him, but Roman was shot to death and Rusca was severely injured.  Luna sank, bleeding, to the cobblestones of the plaza.  His last words were, "Cowards!  Assassins!"  He was 32 years old.

Flyer accusing Emilio Aguinaldo of ordering the execution of Andres Bonifacio and General Antonio Luna

As Aguinaldo's guards assassinated his most able general, the president himself was laying siege to the headquarters of General Venacio Concepcion, an ally of the murdered general.  Aguinaldo dismissed Luna's officers and men from the Filipino Army.  For the Americans, this internecine fighting was a gift.  General James F. Bell noted that Luna "was the only general the Filipino army had," and Aguinaldo's forces suffered disastrous defeat after disastrous defeat in the wake of Antonio Luna's murder.  Aguinaldo spent most of the next 18 months in retreat, before being captured by the Americans on March 23, 1901

Source: Antonio Luna, Hero of the Philippine - American War  by  Kallie Szczepanski,  Asian History Expert 

Antonio Luna’s fencing school, the Sala de Armas on Calle Alix (now Legarda St.), in Sampaloc district, Manila. 

Antonio Luna’s fencing with one of his students

General Antonio Luna Medal of Honor.  Military Award issued in the 1970s

National Historic Commission marker in Cabanatuan Church, Nueva Ecija was the placed in General Luna's death place.  

Epic HENERAL LUNA movie shown last Sept 9, 2015

1898 Soldier's Obligations of the Philippine (Revolutionary) Government.
Published in Barasoain, Bulacan.


If you will read Article 1 (Spanish & Tagalog), it does not mention that a soldier will be shot for insubordination, as shown in the movie. Well, it might have been revised by Antonio Luna when he became the Secretary of War, but I do not know. Just FYI

Pangcat 1.0 (Tagalog)
“Ang reclutang masoc sa compania ilalagay sa isang Escuadra, na sa cabo nito'y patuturo ng pagbibihis ng carampatan at pag-aalaga ng caniyang mga armas, at pag-aaralan ang pag-sunod at pag-galang buhat ng pag-casundaIo ay sapilitang gampanan.“


  1. If Gen. Luna was indeed summoned by President to its Cabanatuan Headquarters but was not there to meet at him; if the soldiers who killed Gen.Luna were reinstated soldiers loyal to President after being disarmed and dismissed from service by Gen. Luna for insubordination; if Felipe Buencamino - a high government official of the President who was ordered by Gen. Luna arrested for treason and reinstated, was there and were one who met Gen. Luna and ordered the confiscation and destruction of documents at the hands of Gen. Luna upon his death; if the mother of the President was seen at the window of the convent were and when the heinous assassination was perpetrated and did nothing; if after the dastardly and cowardice act no was was held responsible; if indeed right at the time and after the assassination, officers loyal to Gen. Luna were disarmed and dismissed upon orders of the President, and worst tortured and assassinated by loyal officers of the President, so, was the killing by soldiers and officers loyal to the President simply an act act of revenge and or spur of anger? Or was it a premeditated murder and well planned successful assassination? Does one still have any doubts as to the motives of the killing and who ordered the killing? I don't. I believe that at the very least the President Aguinaldo knew of the assassination plot and even encouraged it or even worst, the mastermind. His decorum and action SHOUTS louder and WORDS.

    1. Thanks for your well written comment. General Aguinaldo might be ill advised when he masterminded the death of Gen. Luna, remember he was a young leader surrounded by politician with their own interest in mind. Both Aguinaldo and Luna are humans and made mistakes in the past. They are not perfect and they acted indecisively in a time when they are fighting for independence. Both of them have their own places in history, good or bad, their names will be remembered by every Filipino from generation to generation. What is important is they fought for a common cause – Philippine Independence.

    2. yes, they fought for a common cause, but obviously, one is seeking much bigger personal gained.

    3. History judges everyone. When you go to every municipality in the Philippines, there is always a statue of Rizal and Bonifacio (or a street named after them). You can only find Aguinaldo's in Cavite. Movies such as Heneral Luna and Jose Rizal were portrayed by leading Filipino artists. Aguinaldo's were portrayed only by actors from Cavite. I think the Filipino people already made their judgement.

  2. where did you get these memorabilia especially the copy of the obligaciones del soldado?

    1. Where else from the internet. This was probably a souvenir by an American soldier during that era

  3. Hi, where were you able to get the first image (captioned "Turn of the century photo of Antonio Luna"). Do you also happen to know the year it was taken? Thank you

  4. Hermoso material de un gran ser humano, Gran héroe filipino; otra victima mas de la traición de los intervencionistas salvadores de la humanidad

    1. Translation: Beautiful material of a great human being, Great Filipino hero; Another victim of the betrayal of interventionist saviors of mankind

  5. Thank you for this wonderful blog, it really helped me in my Social Science project. Just a question, how did get access to these pictures and information? These were not thought to us when I was in school, it's amazing!

  6. How did the personal interest of Gen. Luna influence the course of philippine Revolution?

    hope po may makasagot

  7. How did the politics and regionalism influence the course of Philippine Revolution by Gen. Luna?

  8. ang paborito kong bayani. Heneral!!!

  9. one of my favorite bayani
